Merges together the values of each of the array tables in tab with the same index. Useful when you have separate data sources that are coordinated through matching indexes.
- tab
Array table that includes sub-arrays. The sub-arrays should have the same size.
Return Values
- res
An array table with new consolidated sub-arrays.
--ZFUNC-zip-v1 local function zip( tab ) function pluck( t, key ) local res = {} for i, v in ipairs( t ) do table.insert( res, v[ key ] ) end return res end function max( t ) local res = 0 for i, v in ipairs( t ) do if #v > res then res = # v end end return res end local res = {} local length = max( tab ) for i = 1, length do table.insert( res, pluck( tab, i ) ) end return res end return zip
local t = require( "taptest" ) local same = require( "same" ) local zip = require( "zip" ) -- should work like the zip function from underscore.js local res = zip{ { "moe", "larry", "curly" }, { 30, 40, 50 }, { true, false, false } } t( #res, 3 ) t( same( res[ 1 ], { "moe", 30, true } ), true ) t( same( res[ 2 ], { "larry", 40, false } ), true ) t( same( res[ 3 ], { "curly", 50, false } ), true ) t()