function addedge( graph, from, to [, undirected] ) --> graph
Adds an edge to a existing graph. If the nodes from or to not existing creates the function the nodes in the graph. The edges are by default direct, with the optional undirected parameter is it possible to define it as undirected edge.
- graph
The graph that should get the edge.
- from
Source node of the edge.
- to
Destination node of the edge.
- undirected
Optional value that is by default false. Can be true to create undirected edges.
Return Values
- graph
The modified graph.
--ZFUNC-addedge-v1 local function addedge( graph, from, to, undirected ) --> graph graph[ from ] = graph[ from ] or {} graph[ to ] = graph[ to ] or {} graph[ from ][ to ] = true if undirected then graph[ to ][ from ] = true end return graph end return addedge
local t = require( "taptest" ) local addedge = require( "addedge" ) local adjmatrix = require( "adjmatrix" ) local buildgraph = require( "buildgraph" ) local matrixtostrlst = require( "matrixtostrlst" ) local function tostr( graph, order ) local m = adjmatrix( graph, order ) return table.concat( matrixtostrlst( m, "%d", "" ), " " ) end local nodes = { "a", "b", "c" } local g = buildgraph( nodes, {} ) -- [ a ] [ b ] [ c ] t( tostr( g, nodes ), "000 000 000" ) g = addedge( g, "a", "b" ) -- a --> b -- [ c ] t( tostr( g, nodes ), "010 000 000" ) g = addedge( g, "b", "d" ) table.insert( nodes, "d" ) -- a --> b --> d -- [ c ] t( tostr( g, nodes ), "0100 0001 0000 0000" ) g = addedge( g, "d", "b", false ) -- a --> b <--> d -- [ c ] t( tostr( g, nodes ), "0100 0001 0000 0100" ) g = addedge( g, "a", "c", true ) -- c <--> a --> b <--> d t( tostr( g, nodes ), "0110 0001 1000 0100" ) t()