function tocrockford32( str ) --> crock32str
Encpdes a data string to a base 32 string using the crockford alphabet.
- str
The data string that should be encoded.
Return Values
- crock32str
The encoded base 32 string.
--ZFUNC-tocrockford32-v1 local function tocrockford32( str ) --> crock32str --ZFUNC-asciichunks-v1 local function asciichunks( str, length ) length = length or 1 local chunks = {} local i = 1 local last = string.len( str ) while i <= last do local j = i + length - 1 table.insert( chunks, str:sub( i, j ) ) i = i + length end return chunks end local bitMap = { "0000", "0001", "0010", "0011", "0100", "0101", "0110", "0111", "1000", "1001", "1010", "1011", "1100", "1101", "1110", "1111" } local alphabet = "0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ" local bitTab = {} for i = 1, #str do local b = string.byte( str, i, i ) local firstHalf = math.floor( b / 2 ^ 4 ) local secondHalf = b - ( firstHalf * 2 ^ 4 ) table.insert( bitTab, bitMap[ firstHalf + 1 ] ) table.insert( bitTab, bitMap[ secondHalf + 1 ] ) end local fullBitStr = table.concat( bitTab ) local mod5 = #fullBitStr % 5 if mod5 > 0 then fullBitStr = fullBitStr..string.rep( '0', 5 - mod5 ) end local chunks = asciichunks( fullBitStr, 5 ) local result = {} for _, value in ipairs( chunks ) do local pos = tonumber( value, 2 ) + 1 table.insert( result, alphabet:sub( pos, pos ) ) end return table.concat( result ) end return tocrockford32
local t = require( "taptest" ) local tocrockford32 = require( "tocrockford32" ) -- t( tocrockford32( "foo" ), "CSQPY" ) -- t( string.lower( tocrockford32( "Hello World" ) ), "91jprv3f41bpywkccg" ) t( tocrockford32( "Wow, it really works!" ), "AXQQEB10D5T20WK5C5P6RY90EXQQ4TVK44" ) t()