Types and Definitions
struct cTime
int64_t _s;
int32_t _n;
int32_t _z;
typedef struct cTime cTime;
The cTime struct has just the attriibutes _s, _n and _z that represent the time.
cTime local_time_c( void );
Returns the current local time, as reported by the system clock.
cTime make_time_c( int64_t year, int64_t month, int64_t day,
int64_t hour, int64_t min, int64_t sec, int64_t nsec,
cTzOffset tz );
Initialse all time components.
cTime null_time_c( void );
Returns a null time, null times are invalid.
cTime time_c( cDate d, cDaytime dt, cTzOffset tz );
Initialise a time with a date, daytime and time zone.
cTime utc_time_c( void );
Returns the current UTC time, as reported by the system clock.
cTimestamp as_timestamp_c( cTime time );
Returns the cTime value as timestamp.
#include "clingo/lang/expect.h"
#include "clingo/time/C_TimeFormats.h"
#include "clingo/time/cTime.h"
cTime inp;
cTimestamp exp;
#define t_( ... ) ((test){__VA_ARGS__})
int main( void )
testSlice tests = slice_c_( test,
t_( make_time_c( 2009, c_Feb, 13, 23, 31, 30, 0, utc_c() ),
unix_timestamp_c( secs_c( 1234567890 ) ) ),
t_( make_time_c( 2001, c_Jan, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, utc_c() ),
unix_timestamp_c( secs_c( 978307200 ) ) )
for_each_c_( test const*, t, tests )
cTimestamp res = as_timestamp_c( t->inp );
expect_c_( eq_timestamp_c( res, t->exp ) );
return finish_tap_c_();
cTime from_timestamp_c( cTimestamp ts );
Creates a cTime value from a timestamp.
cDate get_date_c( cTime time );
Returns the date of a time value.
cDaytime get_daytime_c( cTime time );
Returns the daytime of a time value.
cHmsn get_hmsn_c( cTime time );
Returns the daytime of a time value as cHmsn value.
cOrdinalDate get_ordinal_date_c( cTime time );
Returns the date of a time value as ordinal date.
cTzOffset get_tz_offset_c( cTime time );
Returns the time zone of a time value.
cWeekDate get_week_date_c( cTime time );
Returns the date of a time value as week date.
cYmd get_ymd_c( cTime time );
Returns the date of a time value as cYmd value.
cTime add_to_time_c( cTime time, cDuration dur );
Adds a duration to a time value.
cDuration between_times_c( cTime a, cTime b );
Returns the duration between two time values.
cTime shift_time_c( cTime time, cTzOffset tz );
Shifts the time to another time zone.
int cmp_time_c( cTime a, cTime b );
Compares two time values and returns the three possible results:
- <0
if a is earlier as b
- 0
if both times are equal
- >0
if a is later as b
cTime early_time_c( cTime a, cTime b );
Returns the earlier of both times. An invalid time is allways earlier as a valid time.
bool eq_time_c( cTime a, cTime b );
Returns true if a is equal to b, otherwise false.
cTime late_time_c( cTime a, cTime b );
Return the later of both times. A valid time is allways later as a invalid time.
bool time_is_valid_c( cTime time );
Returns true if the time value is valid, otherwise false.
The functions read_time_c and write_time_c are using the following format:
C |
The day of year as a number without a leading character |
1 to 365 |
__C |
The day of year as a number with leading spaces |
1 to 365 |
The day of year as a number with leading zeros |
001 to 365 |
D |
The day as a number without a leading character |
1 to 31 |
_D |
The day as a number with a leading space |
1 to 31 |
DD |
The day as a number with a leading zero |
01 to 31 |
E |
The weekday as a number |
1 to 7 |
The abbreviated localized weekday name |
Mon to Sun |
The localized weekday name |
Monday to Sunday |
M |
The month as a number without a leading character |
1 to 12 |
_M |
The month as a number with a leading space |
1 to 12 |
MM |
The month as a number with a leading zero |
01 to 12 |
The abbreviated localized month name |
Jan' to Dec |
WW |
The ISO week without a leading zero |
W1 to W53 |
The ISO week with a leading zero |
W01 to W53 |
XX |
The ISO week date year as a two digit number |
00 to 99 |
The ISO week date year as a four digit number |
like 1878 |
YY |
The year as a two digit number |
00 to 99 |
The year as a four digit number |
like 1878 |
h |
The hour without a leading character |
0 to 23 |
_h |
The hour with a leading space |
0 to 23 |
hh |
The hour with a leading zero |
00 to 23 |
k |
The kitchen hour without a leading character |
_k |
The kitchen hour with a leading space |
kk |
The kitchen hour with a leading zero |
m |
The minute without a leading character |
0 to 59 |
_m |
The minute with a leading space |
0 to 59 |
mm |
The minute with a leading zero |
00 to 59 |
s |
The whole second, without a leading character |
0 to 59 |
_s |
The whole second, with a leading space |
0 to 59 |
ss |
The whole second, with a leading zero |
00 to 59 |
i |
The fractional part of the second in millisecond whithout trainling zeros |
000 to 999 |
iii |
The fractional part of the second in millisecond with trailing zeros |
000 to 999 |
u |
The fractional part of the second in microsecond without trailing zeros |
000000 to 999999 |
uuu |
The fractional part of the second in microsecond with trailing zeros |
000000 to 999999 |
n |
The fractional part of the second in nanosecond without trailing zeros |
000000000 to 999999999 |
nnn |
The fractional part of the second in nanosecond with trailing zeros |
000000000 to 999999999 |
ap |
Read or write AM or PM dependent on the hour value |
AP |
Read or write am or pm dependent on the hour value |
o |
The offset in the +hh:mm format, where the mm part is optional |
+00, +10 or -04:30 |
oo |
The offset in the +hh:mm format |
+00:00, +10 or -04:30 |
oooo |
The offset in the +hhmm format |
+0000, +1000 or -0430 |
z |
Like "o", but the UTC offset will be replaced with a Z |
Z, +10 or -04:30 |
zz |
Like "oo", but the UTC offset will be replaced with a Z |
Z, +10:00 or -04:30 |
zzzz |
Like "oooo", but the UTC offset will be replaced with a Z |
Z, +1000 or -0430 |
#define read_time_c_( Sca, Date ) \
read_time_c( (Sca), (Date), "" )
bool read_time_c( cScanner sca[static 1],
cTime time[static 1],
char const fmt[static 1] );
Reads a cTime value from a text with a scanner. The function will use C_TimeFormat( "YYYY.MM.DD hh:mm:ss oooo" ) as default format.
#include "clingo/lang/expect.h"
#include "clingo/time/C_TimeFormats.h"
#include "clingo/time/cTime.h"
char const* inp;
char const* fmt;
cTime exp;
#define t_( ... ) ((test){__VA_ARGS__})
int main( void )
testSlice tests = slice_c_( test,
t_( "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z", C_Rfc3339Time,
make_time_c( 2006, c_Jan, 2, 15, 4, 5, 0, utc_c() ) ),
t_( "21.06.12", "YY.MM.DD",
make_time_c( 2021, c_Jun, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, utc_c() ) )
for_each_c_( test const*, t, tests )
cScanner* sca = &cstr_scanner_c_( t->inp );
cTime time;
bool res = read_time_c( sca, &time, t->fmt );
res = eq_time_c( time, t->exp );
tap_descf_c( res, "%s", t->inp );
return finish_tap_c_();
#define write_time_c_( Rec, Date ) \
write_time_c( (Rec), (Date), "" )
bool write_time_c( cRecorder rec[static 1],
cTime time,
char const fmt[static 1] );
Writes a cTime value into the recorder. The function will use C_TimeFormat( "YYYY.MM.DD hh:mm:ss oooo" ) as default format.
#include "clingo/lang/expect.h"
#include "clingo/time/C_TimeFormats.h"
#include "clingo/time/cTime.h"
cTime time;
char const* fmt;
char const* exp;
#define t_( ... ) ((test){__VA_ARGS__})
int main( void )
testSlice tests = slice_c_( test,
t_( make_time_c( 2006, c_Jan, 2, 15, 4, 5, 0, utc_c() ),
C_Rfc3339Time, "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" ),
t_( make_time_c( 2021, c_Jun, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, utc_c() ),
"YY.MM.DD", "21.06.12" )
for_each_c_( test const*, t, tests )
cRecorder* rec = &recorder_c_( 64 );
bool res = write_time_c( rec, t->time, t->fmt );
res &= recorded_is_c( rec, t->exp );
tap_descf_c( res, "%s -> %s", t->fmt, turn_into_cstr_c( rec ) );
return finish_tap_c_();