
Module that adds function that simplify the use of files.




bool close_file_c( FILE* file, cErrorStack es[static 1] );

Wraps fclose and allows the use of chars as path. The size of path should not be greater as 4096. The function returns false and adds a C_ErrnoError to the error stack if a problem occurs.


FILE* open_file_c( cChars path,
                   char const mode[static 1],
                   cErrorStack es[static 1] );

Wraps fopen and allows the use of chars as path. The size of path should not be greater as 4096. The function returns NULL and adds a C_ErrnoError to the error stack if a problem occurs.


bool remove_file_c( cChars path, cErrorStack es[static 1] );

Wraps remove and allows the use of chars as path. The size of path should not be creates as 4096. The function returns false and adds a C_ErrnoError to the error stack if a problem occurs.


FILE* ropen_file_c( cChars path, cErrorStack es[static 1] );

Opens a file that is readable. The size of path should not be greater as 4096. The function returns NULL and adds a C_ErrnoError to the error stack if a problem occurs.


FILE* wopen_file_c( cChars path, cErrorStack es[static 1] );

Opens a file that is writeable. The size of path should not be greater as 4096. The function returns NULL and adds a C_ErrnoError to the error stack if a problem occurs.



int64_t file_size_c( FILE* file );

Returns the size of the current file. The function returns -1 if the size can not be determinied.



bool fread_bytes_c( FILE* file, cVarBytes bytes[static 1] );

Reads bytes from the file into bytes. Returns true if at least one byte have been read and no error occurs.


bool get_file_chars_c( FILE* file, cVarChars chars[static 1] );

Reads chars from the file into chars. Returns true if at least one char have been read and no error occurs.


bool fread_line_c( FILE* file,
                   int64_t n,
                   cVarChars buf[static 1],
                   bool fin[static 1] );

The function tries to return a single line, not including the end-of-line bytes. The fin value will be true if the lines ends. The text returned from will not include the line end ("\r\n" or "\n"). If buf does not define enough space will Returns true if no error occurs.

Unresolved directive in FILE.adoc - include::../../../test/clino/io/file/fread_line.c[]


bool fwrite_bytes_c( FILE* file, cBytes bytes[static 1] );

Writes bytes to a file. Returns true if all bytes can be written to a file and no error occurs.


bool fwrite_chars_c( FILE* file, cChars chars[static 1] );

Writes chars to a file. Returns true if all chars can be written to a file and no error occurs.



cVarBytes read_binary_file_c( cChars path, cErrorStack es[static 1] );

Reads a whole binary file into the heap memory. Returns an invalid slice if an error occurs and adds a C_ErrnoError or C_FileError to the error stack.


cVarChars read_text_file_c( cChars path, cErrorStack es[static 1] );

Reads a whole text file into the heap memory as C string. The end marker of the C string is not part of the slice. Returns an invalid slice if an error occurs and adds a C_ErrnoError or C_FileError to the error stack.


bool write_binary_file_c( cChars path, cBytes bytes, cErrorStack es[static 1] );

Creates a binary file that consist of the bytes. Returns fals if an error occurs and adds a C_ErrnoError or C_FileError to the error stack.

Unresolved directive in FILE.adoc - include::../../../test/clino/io/file/write_binary_file.c[]


bool write_text_file_c( cChars path, cChars chars, cErrorStack es[static 1] );

Creates a binary file that consist of the bytes. Returns fals if an error occurs and adds a C_ErrnoError or C_FileError to the error stack.

Unresolved directive in FILE.adoc - include::../../../test/clino/io/file/write_text_file.c[]